All-Around Gymnastics Academy has been offering quality gymnastics instruction in Mentor, Ohio, since 1991. We offer a wide selection of classes for all ages. Whether you attend our Parent/Child classes, recreational programs or if you become involved in any of our Competitive gymnastics, the focus is on a positive, fun and safe experience for all of our students. Our 12,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility is the largest and best equipped in Lake county. Training aids, an in-ground pit system, in-ground trampolines and our clean climate controlled facility help make the most of your gymnastics training experience.
Senior Staff
Tom Logar: Owner & Competitive Director
Melissa McGough: Program Director; Team Coach; Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Hannah Hoover: Team and Pre-Team Coach; Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Tara Karchefsky: Pre-Team Coach; Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Kasey Lotycz: High School Director
Current Staff Members
Tim Bilicic - Forever in our hearts
Savannah Adams - Preschool & Progressive
Madison Arnold - Preschool & Progressive Sub
Kaley Chase - Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Monica Cox - Preschool & Progressive Sub
Morgan Danison - High School Coach
Mackenzie Eggleston - High School Coach
Kaydrian Gallagher - Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Lexi Haviland - Team Coach, Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Lilia Hornbeck - Team and Pre-Team Coach, Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Brittany Ioffe - Team Coach, Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Brent Johnson - Team Coach, Progressive Instructor
Angela Kijauskas - Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Isabelle Kiray - Preschool Jr. Instructor
Marissa O'Connor - Preschool & Progressive Instructor
Mackenzie Thomas - Preschool & Progressive Instructor