All-Around Gymnastics Academy
Rules & Policies
When you register for a class, you will be enrolling for our entire “school year.” Our annual classes typically start in late August and run through the end of May. Since our Summer class offerings differ from the school year summer enrollment will be a new “session.”
You will automatically be enrolled in this class every month. The day and time of the class you initially enrolled in will not change unless AAGA is notified. See below for how to drop your class.
Registrations will be taken at any time and will be pro-rated as needed.
Our yearly membership fee is $45 and is prorated throughout the year. Your fee is based on which month your first registration is made for the annual class session or summer session. Membership fees will be $45 for September-November enrollment, $35 for December-February, and $25 March-May. Summer membership fees will be $15.
All billing will be on a monthly basis. Your card on file will be automatically charged on the 10th of each month. You can change this date to the 1st or 15th by logging in to your portal account.
If you do not want your card automatically charged on the 10th (or another date selected) you will need to make payment through the portal or pay in person at the front desk. Checks should be made out to AAGA and placed in the appropriate box.
If your card is declined due to insufficient funds 3 months in a row a $25 NSF fee will be added to your account.
December fees and typically August fees will be pro-rated due to less than four weeks of class offered.
Un-enrolling and changing classes
You will be required to email the gym at to drop or switch classes. This applies if you are switching due to age or changing your day/time of class. You will not need to take any action if your child has been moved onto pre-team or team.
Email notifications for dropping and changing classes must be received by the 20th of the month in order for the drop to take effect the next month. If you drop a class after the 20th you will still be responsible for the following month’s tuition payment.
Automatic un-enrollment
AAGA will automatically drop you from class if you have not made payment by the 20th of the month. This does not apply to pre-team and team members.
All enrollment and waitlists will automatically end with the end date of annual classes and summer classes.
We will contact you via email if your child has missed 3 consecutive classes, if we do not get a response to this email and your child misses a fourth consecutive class your child will be dropped from her/his class. This new policy is due to our extensive waitlists for our 2022-2023 classes.
Make Up Classes
One absence per month will be eligible for a make up. Make up classes must be completed within 30 days of the absence. You must be enrolled in a class to be eligible for any make ups. All make up classes must be scheduled through the portal.
Online Agreement
All parents are required to agree to our rules and policies. This should pop up the first time you log into the customer portal. If it does not, you can agree to the rules and policies by logging into your customer portal and clicking on the policies tab.
Our communication is done electronically via email, our website, and our app. Please make sure the e-mail we have on file is current and that you are receiving the e-mails. E-mails may be in your spam folder. Download the AAGA App to keep up to date easily!
Unscheduled Closings
Sometimes classes will be canceled due to weather, power outage, etc.
You will be notified in any of the following ways if the gym has an unscheduled closing.
- AAGA Website
- AAGA App Notification
- AAGA Facebook
- AAGA Twitter
You will be allowed a make up for an unscheduled closure.
Class Rules & Policies
Classes with fewer than three students enrolled by the first class of each month will be canceled for that month.
Students in the 3 year old and 4-5 year old classes must have an adult remain in the viewing area. These age groups are not allowed to use the bathrooms alone.
Any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress, class placement, etc. should be directly addressed to his/her instructor.
- Hair must be pulled back.
- A leotard is preferred, but form-fitting clothing is acceptable.
- No loose-fitting shorts.
- T-shirts must be tucked in.
- No two-piece (bare midriff) attire is allowed.
- No jewelry (this includes watches, fit bits, pedometers) – stud earrings are allowed.
- No socks.
Gym Safety Policies
- Instructors will go over general gym safety rules, example:
- One person at a time
- Be mindful of where you are walking
- Keeping hands to self
- Good listening
- Please review the attire rules located under class rules & policies.
- Preschoolers will only be released from the gym when a parent/grandparent/babysitter is present.
- Arrange a pickup location with your older child. Should he/she wait in the gym with the instructor, meet you upstairs, or meet in the hallway?
- Parents should not be entering the gym during class. If your assistance or care is needed during class an instructor will call you down.
- If an injury does occur, no matter the severity, please remain upstairs. Our instructors are trained to assess the situation and give immediate care when necessary. An instructor will call you into the gym if needed.
- Do not leave valuable items unattended in the bathroom.
Viewing Area Policies
- Please refrain from communicating with your child while watching his/her class. The instructors need your child’s attention.
- Do not allow children not participating in class to climb on the bleachers, near the windows, on the railing, or play in the stairwell.
- Children should not be wandering the building unattended.
- Please help keep our facility clean by keeping food and drink to a minimum. If you do have a spill, please clean it up or find an employee for help.